Not everyone accepts criticism especially Highly Sensitive People (HSP). It tears them down and makes them feel like their efforts were a waste. There are better ways of handling this instead of letting it ruin your mood.
HSP often creates deep connections with abstract things be it nature, sounds, music, or art. They have strong reactions to internal or external stimuli and are hence deeply affected by tension, violence, and overwhelming feelings.
HSP create a deep sense of connection with things they are involved with and often aim for perfection. Their deep connection with things makes them not take criticism lightly as it often looks like all their efforts are in vain.
These painful memories affect them so much and hence they often seek a way to avoid criticism leading to people-pleasing behaviors. They believe when they do things like people want, they will avoid criticism.
It’s hard for HSP to accept Criticism, so in this article, we will be highlighting some of the ways they can accept it.
1. HSP should let go of their desire for perfection
Striving for perfection or people-pleasing actions can only lead to hurting yourself. No one is perfect we are all bound to make mistakes and the earlier one accepts that no matter what you do people will always criticize you. This will help one in accenting criticism; let go of your need for perfection.
2. Practice Self-Care and implement boundaries
Love and care for yourself because no one is ever going to love and treat you right like yourself. There will always be negative words targeted at you, you don’t have to always remember then, let it all go, if not it affects your health and general well-being.
Set boundaries for yourself, not everyone should have access to you.
3. Know That Their Opinion Doesn’t Matter
Criticism can come from anyone, both haters and people that truly care about you. Filter them and be careful what gets to you, because some will be directed to hurt you and ruin your day, you just have to remind yourself that their opinion doesn’t matter.
You can’t force everyone to like you, there will always be people who will work against you and the worst is engaging in people-pleasing acts in others to make them feel good about you. This doesn’t change what they will say about you, this is why you shouldn’t mind their opinion.
As long as it isn’t constructive criticism you shouldn’t mind them at all. Some people say things to hurt you rather than to help you improve. Learn what works for you and keep yourself happy.